
South Africans Abroad Reviews

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on 8/4/2023

Love listening to these podcasts

on 8/4/2023

Dear Warren, I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your incredible podcast, "South Africans Abroad." A fellow South African friend of mine,who is in the UK, recommended it to me. As a South African who has recently immigrated to Switzerland, your show has become a pocket of comfort in my day. Listening to your podcast has been nothing short of delightful. It brings me immense joy to hear the familiar accents and stories of my fellow South Africans living abroad. The way you navigate the unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs of South Africans around the world is truly remarkable. Your ability to create a sense of community through your podcast is commendable. One aspect of your show that I absolutely love is the humor. It's incredible how you manage to infuse each episode with laughter and lightheartedness. There have been several occasions where I've burst into laughter while listening. The humor you bring is something I sorely miss from home, and it's refreshing to have it in my life again, even if it's through the airwaves. I have resonated strongly with many of the stories and I find it fascinating that there is almost this golden thread that links all the stories together. It has been comforting to resonate with experiences that not many people understand. It's reassuring to hear the stories of others who have made similar journeys and faced similar challenges. Your interviews and discussions have offered me comfort and a sense of belonging, even from thousands of kilometers away. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to you and your team for the tremendous effort and dedication you put into producing "South African's Abroad." Your passion for storytelling and the care you take in selecting guests shines through every episode. Once again, thank you for creating such an exceptional podcast. Please know that your efforts are genuinely appreciated, and I eagerly look forward to each new episode. Sending alpes of good vibes, Kayleigh

on 8/4/2023

I’m writing about your wonderful podcast “South Africans Abroad”. I happened upon it recently and love hearing from and about South Africans who have settled abroad. I’m one of those and have enjoyed listening to the podcast, especially the differing perspectives people have on who they are/were then and now and their perspectives on the place most of us love so much. I’m based in Portugal now, but have spent time in Canada and Russia too. Warm regards from northern Portugal, Jane

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